Archive for December 12, 2010

Monday, December 13th WOD:

Paleo Pinch Is over!! Congrats to all those that participated. Not an easy adjustment yet when looking at the food logs that you have submitted, major changes have been made in the types and amounts of food you are eating. Great job.  Some of you struggled thru some of it and that’s totally understandable. It’s one day at a time, one decision at a time. You can get back on it and focus on healthy clean intake. We’d also like to take a follow up picture of all those athlete’s participating in Paleo Pinch. Please see Di or Jim for the pic. Thanks.

New Essential’s Class begins this Tuesday(14th) if you know anyone that is dyin’ to get in better shape and have a blast doing it!

Dianne was able to attend a Mobility and Flexibility Certification Course this weekend with Coach Kelly Starrett(Picture below) who is a Dr. of Physical Therapy and has his own box, San Francisco CrossFit. CrossFitOP has been utilizing some of his philosphies already yet we’ll be applying some more of Kelly’s principles and approaches in the box. Not to worry, no major changes will take place yet one of the main principles to Kelly’s practice is when addressing any lift or movement(ie.PullUps, ring dips) the very first thought the athlete should have is that they need to ‘Get Organized’. In short, this means before the movement, lock in their core-trunk-muscles, pull shoulder back, take a breath and get to it. Feel free to ask questions about this at the box.

2 rounds:
10 side to side lunge stretches’
10 pushups
10 kip swings 

5/5/3/3/3/ @ empty bar/60/70/80/90% 1 rep max

AMRAP in 9, 6, and 3 minutes of:
2 Thrusters @ 135#/95#
4 Snatch Grip Dead-lifts @ 135#/95#
8 Wall Balls, 20#/14# (above 10 foot line)


Use one bar for both thrusters and dead-lifts (no rack). You may use a mixed grip for the dead-lifts but the grip must be outside the rings of the barbell. All wall ball attempts must touch a spot on the wall above the 10 foot red line for it to count. This workout is split into three different time intervals, 9 minutes, 6 minutes, and 3 minutes. Take a 2 minute rest in between intervals.